Get started with RaiseNow Free

Online fundraising made simple. Raise more with no fixed costs, no risks and a simple setup.

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  • Start simple and pay as you go
  • Zero fixed monthly or annual fees
  • We are secure and compliant

How it works

  1. Simply fill out this order form.
  2. You’ll then receive a link to our RaiseNow Hub, where you can create an account.
  3. Our customer service team checks whether your organization complies with our collaboration guidelines.
  4. You can now create as many donation forms as you like in RaiseNow Hub and use them in your online communications. And then you’re ready to collect online donations!

You don’t pay any fixed charges for RaiseNow Hub, simply a small fee for each successful transaction. The fees depend on the payment provider (click here for an overview). You can currently integrate TWINT and Stripe, and PayPal will be available soon. The fees are deducted directly from the incoming donations. 

Please note, our Free plan has hard limits on the number of currency and language options that your donation form can process and display. Our Growth plans include higher limits, more flexibility and additional features, among numerous other benefits. Read more on our pricing page.

If you’re working within a national or international organisation and want to hear more about how we support global payment methods with local customization options, reach out to our Sales team so we can assist in your evaluation of RaiseNow.


More than 8,000 organisations trust RaiseNow
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